HAUS SCHLESIEN came into existence as the place in Germany, where the attachment to the homeland and the need for a remembrance site for the displaced Silesian people found real manifestation.
50 Years later and following fundamentally changed relations within the European neighbourhood, HAUS SCHLESIEN is today an authentic memorial site and a centre for information and education. Sponsored by the German government, the Documentation and Information Centre explains through events and exhibitions this European cultural landscape influenced by German culture and draws attention to the changing history of Silesia and its Silesian people with their different languages and nationalities.
HAUS SCHLESIEN with its event rooms, guest rooms and catering is open to all interested parties and is the ideal location for individuals or groups, for short stays, expert meetings over several days, or for family celebrations.
The current Board members are:
1. Vizepräsident Adrian Sobek (Köln)
2. Vizepräsident Kristian Bielow (Leipzig)
Schatzmeister Ernst Kückels (Ratingen)
Vorstandsmitglied Karl-Heinz Nagel (Schifferstadt)
Vorstandsmitglied Nicola Remig (Bonn)
Founded in 1973, the ``HAUS SCHLESIEN`` association create a central place in the Siebengebirge region of the Rhineland in 1978 to preserve and maintain the cultural heritage of a ``Heimat`` that seemed to have been lost forever as a result of the war and post-war developments.
Read the current and all previous issues of the „Brief aus dem HAUS SCHLESIEN“
The origins of the farmstead, which today belongs to the association HAUS SCHLESIEN, lie in the 12th century. The first documentary record of a grange on this site date back to 1173.
The future of the association depends on its membership, thus anyone interested in HAUS SCHLESIEN is a welcome to become a member.